Esockd_connection_sup connection shutdown

Hello, I’m running EMQX 5.1 in standalone mode in EC2 Aws t2.micro . I started a test with 1150 connections and 900 msg/sec , I get it unstable with ‘Network Error’ appearing on top of the dashboard. Getting inside the emqx.log.1 file I found this:

2023-09-25T00:47:42.201597+00:00 [error] supervisor: ‘esockd_connection_sup - <0.2772.0>’, errorContext: connection_shutdown, reason: #{max => 1000,reason => message_queue_too_long,value => 1410}, offender: [{pid,<0.30672.8>},{name,connection},{mfargs,{emqx_connection,start_link,[#{enable_authn => true,limiter => #{client => #{bytes => #{burst => 0,divisible => true,failure_strategy => force,initial => 0,low_watermark => 0,max_retry_time => 3600000,rate => 104857.6},messages => #{burst => 0,divisible => true,failure_strategy => force,initial => 0,low_watermark => 0,max_retry_time => 3600000,rate => 50.0}},connection => #{burst => 0,initial => 0,rate => 100.0}},listener => {ssl,default},zone => default}]}}]

It closed all connections at once. Didnt is suposed to limit them to the max number???


reason => message_queue_too_long, means there buidling up a queue in EMQX.
EMQX tried to protect itself from running out of mem thus it killed the connection, pls look for force_shutdown keyword in the configuration doc: Configuration Manual | EMQX 5.0 Documentation