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Version 4


Release Date: 2023-06-27


  • Added support for TCP keep-alive in MQTT/TCP and MQTT/SSL listeners #10854.

    A new configuration option has been added: zone.<zone-name>.tcp_keepalive = Idle,Interval,Probes. Users can enable the TCP layer's Keep Alive feature and specify time parameters using this configuration. This configuration is only effective on Linux and MacOS systems.

  • Improved error logs related to Proxy Protocol emqx/esockd#177.

    The sample logs before this improvement:

    2023-04-20T14:56:51.671735+08:00 [error] supervisor: 'esockd_connection_sup - <0.2537.0>', errorContext: connection_shutdown, reason: {invalid_proxy_info,<<"f\n">>}, offender: [{pid,<0.3192.0>},{name,connection},{mfargs,{...}}]
    2023-04-20T14:57:01.348275+08:00 [error] supervisor: 'esockd_connection_sup - <0.2537.0>', errorContext: connection_shutdown, reason: {proxy_proto_timeout,5000}, offender: [{pid,<0.3194.0>},{name,connection},{mfargs,{...}}]

    After the improvement:

    2023-04-20T18:07:06.180134+08:00 [error] [esockd_proxy_protocol] The listener is working in proxy protocol mode, but received invalid proxy_protocol header, raw_bytes=<<"f\n">>
    2023-04-20T18:10:17.205436+08:00 [error] [esockd_proxy_protocol] The listener is working in proxy protocol mode, but timed out while waiting for proxy_protocol header
  • Added a new feature to enable partial certificate chain validation for TLS listeners #10553.

    For details please checkout the listener.ssl.external.partial_chain in the emqx.conf config file.

  • Added a new feature to enable client certificate extended key usage validation for TLS listeners #10669.

    For details please checkout the listener.ssl.external.verify_peer_ext_key_usage in the emqx.conf config file.

  • Added the live_connections field in the HTTP API /api/v4/nodes response #10859.

    Previously, this interface had a connections field, which represented the number of active connections on the current node that had not expired. This means that even if the MQTT connection has been disconnected, as long as the client has a persistent session, it would still be counted in the connections field. The newly added live_connections field specifically counts the number of clients with MQTT connections that have not been disconnected.

  • Added 3 random SQL functions to the rule engine #11113.

    • random(): Generates a random number between 0 and 1 (0.0 =< X < 1.0).
    • uuid_v4(): Generates a random UUID (version 4) string.
    • uuid_v4_no_hyphen(): Generates a random UUID (version 4) string without hyphens.
  • Added numerical range validation (23-65535) for the mqtt.max_clientid_len configuration parameter #11096.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the rule engine was unable to access variables exported by FOREACH in the DO clause #10620.

    Given a payload: {"date": "2023-05-06", "array": ["a"]}, as well as the following SQL statement:

    FOREACH as date, payload.array as elem
    DO date, elem
    FROM "t/#"

    Prior to the fix, the date variable exported by FOREACH could not be accessed in the DO clause of the above SQL, resulting in the following output for the SQL statement: [{"elem": "a","date": "undefined"}]. After the fix, the output of the SQL statement is: [{"elem": "a","date": "2023-05-06"}]

  • Fixed the issue where the cache of rules failed to update in certain cases #11072.

    Prior to the fix, after manually updating the rules, there could be instances where the cache update did not synchronize to certain nodes. This would result in inconsistent rule execution states across different nodes.

  • Fixed an issue where the WebHook plugin failed to execute the on_client_connack hook #10710.

    See for more details.


Release Date: 2023-04-28


  • Improved the placeholder syntax of the rule engine #10470.

    The parameters of certain actions support using placeholder syntax to dynamically fill in the content of strings. The format of the placeholder syntax is ${key}.
    Prior to the improvement, the key in ${key} could only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Now the key supports any UTF8 character after the improvement.


Release Date: 2023-04-13


  • When the listener enabled with Proxy Protocol receives a TCP port probe, no error logs will be printed anymore emqx/esockd#172.

    Before the fix, if the listener had enabled the proxy protocol (listener.tcp.external.proxy_protocol=on), but the connection was disconnected after the TCP handshake was completed and before the proxy information was received, the following error log would be printed:

    [error] supervisor: 'esockd_connection_sup - <0.3265.0>', errorContext: connection_shutdown, reason: {recv_proxy_info_error,tcp_closed}, offender:

    After the fix, no logs will be printed, but you can still view the error reason statistics through the emqx_ctl listeners command.

  • Improved the error logs of the listener for file descriptor exhaustion emqx/esockd#173.

    Before the improvement, the log was:

    [error] Accept error on emfile

    After the improvement, the log became:

    [error] Accept error on EMFILE (Too many open files)
  • Improved the performance of the rule engine when there are many rules #10283

    Before the improvement, when there were many rules, the rule engine would consume a lot of CPU time on rule queries and matching, becoming a performance bottleneck. In this optimization, by simply adding a cache to the rule list, the rule execution efficiency in this scenario was greatly improved. In our test, we created 700 rules that did not perform any actions (bound to the "do_nothing" debugging action) on a 32-core 32G virtual machine, and sent MQTT messages to EMQX at a rate of 1000 messages per second (that is, the rule trigger frequency was 700 * 1000 times per second). In the above scenario, the CPU usage of the optimized rule engine dropped to 55% ~ 60% of the previous level.


  • Fixed the issue where Erlang distribution could not use TLS #9981.

    For more information on Erlang distribution, see here.

  • Fixed the issue where MQTT bridging could not verify TLS certificates with wildcard domains on the peer side #10094.

  • Fixed the issue where EMQX could not timely clear the information of disconnected MQTT connections when there were too many messages backlogged in the retainer. #10189.

    Before the fix, the emqx_retainer plugin and the EMQX connection information cleanup task shared a process pool. Therefore, if the process pool was blocked by a large number of retain message distribution tasks, many disconnected MQTT connection information would not be cleared in time. See #9409 for details. After the fix, the emqx_retainer plugin uses a separate process pool to avoid this problem.

  • Fixed the issue where the path of the template file service-monitor.yaml in the Helm Chart was incorrect. #10229


Release Date: 2023-03-10


  • Change "EMQX" to "EMQX" from the outputs of CLIs and names of plugins #10099.

Bug fixes

  • Avoid changing the payload of MQTT messages when printing debug logs #10091. Before this fix, if EMQX receives a message with Payload "e\ne\nc\nc\n2\n\n\n", the log message will be as follows:
    2023-03-08T13:28:04.320622+08:00 [debug] mqttx_e34bd582@ [MQTT] RECV PUBLISH(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=t/1, PacketId=39467, Payload=e, e, c, c, 2, , , )
    This is the corresponding log message now:
    2023-03-08T14:26:50.935575+08:00 [debug] mqttx_e34bd582@ [MQTT] RECV PUBLISH(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=t/1, PacketId=39467, Payload=<<"e\ne\nc\nc\n2\n\n\n">>)


Release Date: 2023-03-03

This version update includes 8 enhancements and 13 fixes. Among the enhancements, there are new exciting new features worth highlighting:

  • Upgrade the MongoDB client library of EMQX to support MongoDB 5.1 and above.
  • Dashboard supports the proxy protocol of HAProxy.
  • Release the Ubuntu 22.04 installation package.


  • The MongoDB library has been upgraded to support MongoDB version 5.1 and greater.

  • Support proxy protocol of HAProxy for dashboard API 9803.

  • Added Ubuntu 22.04 package release #9831.

  • Improve the integration of the banned and the delayed feature #9790. Now when publishing a delayed message will check first if its source client is banned, if true, this publish will be ignored.

  • Security enhancement for retained messages #9790. The retained messages will not be published if the publisher client is banned.

  • Now the corresponding session will be kicked when client is banned by clientid #9904.

  • Add more debug logs for authentication and ACL #9943.

  • Expose the stats live_connections.count and live_connections.max to Prometheus #9929.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an error when forward MQTT messages with User-Property using the republish action #9942.

  • fix some issues in descriptions of the actions, resources and emqx-modules #9931.

  • fix there's no error logs when query the JWKS server failed #9931.

  • The returned client lists of HTTP query GET /api/v4/clients?_page=2&_limit=20 to different nodes might be inconsistent #9926.

  • Fix the problem that new MQTT TLS connections failed to establish after release hot upgrade #9810. For more detailed information please see: emqx/esockd#170.

  • Fix a problem in the log message format of MQTT packets #9858. Before this fix, a comma was missing between the flags (DUP) of the fixed header and the fields (ClientId) of the variable header:

    2023-01-29T13:40:36.567692+08:00 [debug] [MQTT] RECV CONNECT(Q0, R0, D0ClientId=test_client, ... Password=undefined)
  • Avoid crash logs in CoAP gateway when receiving liveness checking packets from Load Balancer #9869.

  • Fix the exclusive topics aren't removed when the session has already been cleaned #9868.

  • fix the EMQX reports {case_clause,{error,closed}} error log message when websocket connections interrupted emqx/cowboy#8.

  • fix sometimes the rules cannot be enabled automatically after EMQX is restarted #9911.

  • fix the {badarg,[{ets,lookup,[gproc,{shared, ... error logs during shutdown #9919.

  • Delete the files directory when resources were deleted to avoid files leaking #10039.


Release Date: 2022-11-26

This release included 18 enhancements and 14 bug fixes. Among the enhancements, therer are new exciting new features worth highlighting.

  • OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) Stapling.
  • CRL (Certificate Revocation List) cache.
  • OTP upgrade from 24.1.5-3 to
  • Customizable client aliases to make it easier to when creating customized authentication and authorization.

It is possible to hot-upgrade from older version v4.4 to this version. Please note though, in order to start making use of the new features such as OCSP Stapling, CRL cache, a node restart (and configuration change) is required.


  • OTP upgrade from 24.1.5-3 to #9265. Change highlights:

    • Erlang/OTP SSL library vulnerability fix
    • Added support for OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) Stapling
    • Added CRL (Certificate Revocation List) cache auto refresh
  • Added support for OCSP stapling and CRL caching #9297.

  • Added support for specifying custom modules for adding clientid and common name aliases #9297. Now you can implement a simple callback to enrich clients with aliases, and then use the aliases in the authentication and authorization (ACL) rules' place holders (%cida for clientid alias and %cna for username alias).

  • Added support for specifying custom modules for custom authentication #9297. To support simple authentication rules, it is no longer necessary to implement a full-blown plugin.

  • Added a JWT management for Rule-Engine, for creating and refreshing JWT tokens in rule engine actions #9241. This feature is so far only used in EMQX Enterprise Google PubSub integration. Can be used as webhook integration's JWT authentication against the webhook service endpoint.

  • Make sure listener's tls_versions config value is one or more of tlsv1, tlsv1.1, tlsv1.2, tlsv1.3 #9260.

  • Remove useless information from the dashboard listener failure log #9260.

  • We now trigger the 'message.acked' hook after the CoAP gateway sends a message to the device and receives the ACK from the device #9264. With this change, the CoAP gateway can be combined with the offline message caching function (in the emqx enterprise), so that CoAP devices are able to read the missed messages from the database when it is online again.

  • Support to use placeholders like ${var} in the HTTP Headers of rule-engine's Webhook actions #9239.

  • Asynchronously refresh the resources and rules during emqx boot-up #9199. This is to avoid slowing down the boot if some resources spend long time establishing the connection.

  • Add a warning log if the ACL check failed for subscription #9124. This is to make the ACL deny logging for subscription behave the same as for publish.

  • JWT ACL claim supports all action to imply the rules applie to both pub and sub #9044.

  • Added a log censor to avoid logging sensitive data #9189. If the data to be logged is a map or key-value list which contains sensitive key words such as password, the value is obfuscated as ******.

  • Enhanced log security in ACL modules, sensitive data will be obscured #9242.

  • Add management.bootstrap_apps_file configuration to bulk import default app/secret when EMQX initializes the database #9273.

  • Added two new configs for deterministic order of authentication and ACL checks #9283. The two new global config names are auth_order and acl_order. When multiple ACL or auth plugins (or modules) are enabled, without this config, the order (in which each backend is queried) is determined by the start/restart order of the plugin (or module). Meaning, if a plugin (or module) is restarted after initial boot, it may get ordered to the end of the list. With this config, you may set the order with a comma-speapated ACL or auth plugin names (or aliases). For example: acl_order = jwt,http, this will make sure jwt is always checked before http, meaning if JWT is not found (or no acl cliam) for a client, then the ACL check will fallback to use the HTTP backend.

  • Added configurations to enable more client.disconnected events (and counter bumps) #9267. Prior to this change, the client.disconnected event (and counter bump) is triggered when a client performs a 'normal' disconnect, or is 'kicked' by system admin, but NOT triggered when a stale connection had to be 'discarded' (for clean session) or 'takeovered' (for non-clean session) by new connection. Now it is possible to set configs broker.client_disconnect_discarded and broker.client_disconnect_takeovered to on to enable the event in these scenarios.

  • For Rule-Engine resource creation failure, delay before the first retry #9313. Prior to this change, the retry delay was added after the retry failure.

Bug fixes

  • Fix get trace list crash when trace not initialize. #9156

  • Fix create trace sometime failed by end_at time has already passed. #9156

  • Fix that after uploading a backup file with an non-ASCII filename, HTTP API GET /data/export fails with status code 500 #9224.

  • Improve the display of rule's 'Maximum Speed' counter to only reserve 2 decimal places #9185. This is to avoid displaying floats like 0.30000000000000004 on the dashboard.

  • Fix the issue that emqx prints too many error logs when connecting to mongodb but auth failed #9184.

  • Fix that after receiving publish in idle mode the emqx-sn gateway may panic #9024.

  • "Pause due to rate limit" log level demoted from warning to notice #9134.

  • Restore old emqx_auth_jwt module API, so the hook callback functions registered in older version will not be invalidated after hot-upgrade #9144.

  • Fixed the response status code for the /status endpoint #9210. Before the fix, it always returned 200 even if the EMQX application was not running. Now it returns 503 in that case.

  • Fix message delivery related event encoding #9226 For rule-engine's input events like $events/message_delivered, and $events/message_dropped, if the message was delivered to a shared-subscription, the encoding (to JSON) of the event will fail. Affected versions: v4.3.21, v4.4.10, e4.3.16 and e4.4.10.

  • Make sure Rule-Engine API supports Percent-encoding rule_id and resource_id in HTTP request path #9190. Note that the id in POST /api/v4/rules should be literals (not encoded) when creating a rule or resource. See docs Create Rule Create Resource.

  • Calling 'DELETE /alarms/deactivated' now deletes deactived alarms on all nodes, including remote nodes, not just the local node #9280.

  • When republishing messages or bridge messages to other brokers, check the validity of the topic and make sure it does not have topic wildcards #9291.

  • Disable authorization for api/v4/emqx_prometheus endpoint on management api listener (default 8081) #9294.


Release Date: 2022-10-14


  • TLS listener memory usage optimization #9005. New config listener.ssl.$NAME.hibernate_after to hibernate TLS connection process after idling. Hibernation can reduce RAM usage significantly, but may cost more CPU. This configuration is by default disabled. Our preliminary test shows a 50% of RAM usage decline when configured to '5s'.

  • TLS listener default buffer size to 4KB #9007 Eliminate uncertainty that the buffer size is set by OS default.

  • Disable authorization for api/v4/emqx_prometheus endpoint #8955.

  • Added a test to prevent a last will testament message to be published when a client is denied connection #8894.

  • More rigorous checking of flapping to improve stability of the system #9045. Previsouly only normal disconnects are counted, now the connection rejections (e.g. authentication failure) is also included. Find more about flapping detection in EMQX document

  • QoS1 and QoS2 messages in session's buffer are re-dispatched to other members in the group when the session terminates #9094. Prior to this enhancement, one would have to set broker.shared_dispatch_ack_enabled to true to prevent sessions from buffering messages, however this acknowledgement costs extra resources.

  • Fix delayed publish timing inaccuracy caused by OS time change #8908.

Bug fixes

  • Fix the latency statistics error of the slow subscription module when stats_type is internal or response #8981.

  • Fix HTTP client library to handle SSL socket passive signal #9145.

  • Hide redis password in error logs #9071 In this change, it also included more changes in redis client:

    • Improve redis connection error logging eredis#19. Also added support for eredis to accept an anonymous function as password instead of passing around plaintext args which may get dumpped to crash logs (hard to predict where). This change also added format_status callback for gen_server states which hold plaintext password so the process termination log and sys:get_status will print '******' instead of the password to console.
    • Avoid pool name clashing eredis_cluster#22. Same format_status callback is added here too for gen_servers which hold password in their state.
  • Fix shared subscription message re-dispatches #9094.

    • When discarding QoS 2 inflight messages, there were excessive logs
    • For wildcard deliveries, the re-dispatch used the wrong topic (the publishing topic, but not the subscribing topic), caused messages to be lost when dispatching.
  • Fix shared subscription group member unsubscribe issue when 'sticky' strategy is used. Prior to this fix, if a previously picked member unsubscribes from the group (without reconnect) the message is still dispatched to it. This issue only occurs when unsubscribe with the session kept. Fixed in #9119

  • Fix shared subscription 'sticky' strategy when there is no local subscriptions at all. Prior to this change, it may take a few rounds to randomly pick group members until a local subscriber is hit (and then start sticking to it). After this fix, it will start sticking to whichever randomly picked member even when it is a subscriber from another node in the cluster. Fixed in #9122

  • Fix rule engine fallback actions metrics reset #9125.


Release Date: 2022-09-17


  • The exp, nbf and iat claims in JWT authentication support non-integer timestamps

Bug fixes

  • Fix rule engine update behaviour which may initialize actions for disabled rules
  • Fix the issue that the IP address bound to the Dashboard listener did not take effect
  • Fix the issue that shared subscriptions might get stuck in an infinite loop when shared_dispatch_ack_enabled is set to true
  • Fix the issue that the rule engine SQL crashes when subject matching null values


Release Date: 2022-08-29


  • Add GET /trace/:name/detail API to view log trace file information
  • Improve the log when LwM2M packet parsing fails
  • Improve the rule engine error log, the log will contain the rule ID when the action execution fails
  • Improve log when loaded_modules and loaded_plugins files do not exist
  • Add a guide for changing the default password on Dashboard

Bug fixes

  • Fix client.disconnected event not trigger in some cases
  • Fix the issue that the built-in database authentication did not distinguish the pagination statistics of the authentication data of the client ID and username
  • Fix Redis driver process leak problem
  • Fix rule engine MQTT bridge to AWS IOT connection timeout issue
  • Fix GET /listener request crashing when listener is not ready
  • Fix the issue that the comparison between any variable and null value in the rule engine SQL always returns false after v4.4.1
  • Fix incorrectly managing emqx_modules applications as plugins
  • Fix the issue that when the execution priority of ExHook is higher than that of the rule engine, the topic filtered by the ExHook Message Hook will not trigger the rule engine
  • Fix the issue that the ExHook management process was forcibly killed due to the supervisor shutdown timeout
  • Fix the issue that the Client ID parameter in ExProto client.connect hook is not defined
  • Fix ExProto not triggering disconnect event when client is kicked


Release Date: 2022-08-11

Important Changes

  • As of version 4.4.7, we will no longer provide packages for macOS 10


  • Allows the connection process to be configured to be garbage collected after the TLS handshake is complete to reduce memory footprint, which can reduce memory consumption by about 35% per SSL connection, but increases CPU consumption accordingly
  • Allows configuring the log level of the TLS handshake log to view the detailed handshake process


Release Date: 2022-07-29


  • Supports searching and paging of rules in rule engine
  • Provides CLI ./bin/emqx check_conf to actively check if the configuration is correct
  • Optimizing Shared Subscription Performance

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that once the old version of EMQX is uninstalled after hot upgrade, EMQX will not be able to start again
  • Fix the issue that the keep-alive check for UDP clients in the Multilingual Protocol Extension was incorrect, causing clients not to expire
  • Fix the issue that the client information in the Multilingual Protocol Extension was not updated in time
  • Fix the issue that when the client specified Clean Session as false to reconnect, the shared subscription message in the flight window would be re-dispatched to the old session process
  • Fix the issue that the emqx_lua_hook plugin cannot cancel the message publishing


Release Date: 2022-06-30


  • QoS and Retain flag in rule engine's message republish actions can now use placeholders
  • Supports exclusive subscriptions, that is, only one subscriber is allowed for a topic
  • Dashboard and management API's HTTPS listeners can now use password-protected private key files, providing key_password configuration item
  • Support for placeholders %u and %c in topic rewrite rules
  • Support setting MQTT 5.0 properties in the API request for message publishing, such as message expiry interval, response topic, etc.
  • Optimize the UI when creating rule engine resources, such as folding some uncommon options, etc.
  • Opened 4 TCP-related configuration items: KeepAlive, TCP_NODELAY, SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF for the underlying gRPC connection of ExHook

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue of inaccurate memory calculation in Linux OS, and calculate the memory usage of the current OS instead of the memory usage of EMQX
  • Fix the issue that the old disconnect event of ExHook would be triggered later than the new connect event when the client reconnects
  • Fix the issue that the execution order of topic rewriting and delayed publish is not fixed, now it is fixed to execute topic rewriting first
  • Fix the issue that rule engine could not encode MQTT 5.0 user properties
  • Fix the issue that the count of connack.auth_error is inaccurate when the client uses a protocol version below MQTT v5.0 to access
  • Fix the issue that the UDP listeners of LwM2M and CoAP gateways could not bind to the specified network interface
  • Fix Dashboard not starting after removing the default Dashboard user in the configuration file
  • Fix client.subscribe hook not being able to reject subscriptions
  • If the placeholder in the ACL rule is not replaced, the client's publish or subscribe operation will be rejected


Release Date: 2022-06-01


  • Add more time transformation functions to the SQL of rule engine
  • Add the float2str/2 function to the SQL of rule engine to support specifying the output precision of floating point numbers
  • Support for using JWT for authorization, now MQTT clients can authorize using specific claims that include a pub-sub whitelist
  • Improved authentication related metrics to make it easier to understand, now client.authenticate = client.auth.success + client.auth.failure
  • Support binding the listener of the REST API to a specified network interface
  • Support multi-condition query and fuzzy query for user data in authentication and authorization using built-in database as data source
  • Supports querying clients using the length of the message queue and the number of dropped messages as conditions
  • Support to configure the log time format to be compatible with the time format in older versions
  • When use_username_as_clientid is configured to true and the client connects without specifying a username, the connection is now rejected with a reason code 0x85
  • Full randomisation of app secrets (previously partially randomised)
  • When using CLI for backup and recovery, it is no longer required that the backup file must be located in the backup folder of the EMQX data directory
  • Hot upgrades between incompatible versions will now be rejected
  • Allow white spaces in EMQX's installation path
  • Boot script fail fast on invalid node name (improve error message readability)

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that rule engine's SQL function hexstr_to_bin/1 could not handle half-byte
  • Fix the issue that the alarm was not cleared when the rule engine resource was deleted
  • Fix Dashboard HTTPS listener's verify option not taking effect
  • Fix the issue that messages were lost when the peer session was terminated during the delivery of QoS 1 messages through shared subscriptions
  • Fix the issue that when the log tracer encounters large packets, the heap size grows too fast and triggers the policy of forcibly closeing the connection process
  • Fix the issue that the MQTT-SN client would be disconnected when retransmitting QoS 2 messages
  • Fix the issue that the subscriber's connection was disconnected due to the wrong user properties type in the message publishing API api/v4/mqtt/publish
  • Fix the issue that some authentication algorithms were unavailable due to the PostgreSQL driver not adapting to OTP 24
  • Fix the issue that the returned results did not match the query conditions when querying subscriptions with multiple conditions
  • Fix rule engine resource connection test not working
  • Fix multiple Dashboard display issues


Release Date: 2022-04-18


  • Rule engine supports resetting metrics of the specified rule
  • Add connection confirmation and authorization completion events to the rule engine
  • Rule engine supports copying rule for fast reuse
  • SQL in rule engine supports zip, gzip and other compression and decompression functions
  • Improve the error message when rule engine fails to parse payload
  • Improve the connection test for some resources in rule engine
  • Support setting execution priority for ExHook
  • ExHook callback interface adds a Protobuf field RequestMeta meta to return the EMQX cluster name
  • Support local policy for shared subscriptions, which will preferentially send messages to shared subscribers under the node where messages flow in. In some scenarios, the efficiency of shared message scheduling will be improved, especially when the MQTT bridge is configured as a shared subscription
  • RSA-PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384, RSA-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384, RSA-PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256 and RSA-PSK-AES128-CBC- SHA256 four new TLS PSK cipher suites are supported, removing two insecure cipher suites PSK-3DES-EDE-CBC-SHA and PSK-RC4-SHA from the default configuration
  • Diagnostic logging for wait_for_table of mnesia
    • Prints check points of mnesia internal stats
    • Prints check points of per table loading stats, help to locate the problem of long table loading time.
  • Subscribing to an empty topic is prohibited in strict mode
  • Generate default files when loaded_modules and loaded_plugins files do not exist

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that the TLS configuration item server_name_indication is set to disable and does not take effect
  • Fix potential process leak issue in MongoDB driver
  • Fix the issue that the password of the default Dashboard user modified via the CLI command would be reset after the node leaves the cluster
  • Silence grep and sed warnings in
  • Fix the backup file cannot be deleted and downloaded when the API path contains ISO8859-1 escape characters
  • Fix the issue that the Redis driver would crash when DNS resolution failed, etc
  • Fix the issue that the headers field configuration in the Data to Web Server action of the rule engine did not take effect
  • Fix the issue that the MQTT Bridge plugin cannot be started when only the subscription topic is configured but QoS is not configured
  • When creating a rule, if a rule with the same ID already exists, the rules engine will now report an error instead of replacing the existing rule
  • Fix the issue that the HTTP driver process pool may not be deleted


Release Date: 2022-04-01

Important changes

  • For Docker images, the configuration directory /opt/emqx/etc has been removed from the VOLUME list, making it easier for users to rebuild images with changed configurations.
  • CentOS 7 Erlang runtime rebuilt on OpenSSL-1.1.1n (previously 1.0), prior to v4.3.13, EMQX will fail to handshake and trigger malformed_handshake_data exception when clients use certain cipher suites.
  • CentOS 8 Erlang runtime system rebuilt on RockyLinux 8. centos8 will remain in the package name for backward compatibility.


  • Windows package support for building on Erlang/OTP 24.
  • Add command line interface emqx_ctl pem_cache clean to allow forcibly clear x509 certificate cache to reload immediately after certificate file update.
  • Refactored ExProto so that anonymous clients can also be displayed on Dashboard.
  • Topic configuration items in bridges can now use ${node} placeholders.
  • Add validation of UTF-8 strings in MQTT packets in strict mode. When set to true, invalid UTF-8 strings will cause the client to disconnect.
  • MQTT-SN gateway supports initiative to synchronize registered topics after session resumed.
  • Improve the writing precision of rule engine floating point data from 10 decimal places to 17 decimal places.
  • EMQX will prompt how to modify the initial password of Dashboard at startup.

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that the el8 installation package cannot be started on Amazon Linux 2022, the error content is errno=13 Permission denied.
  • Fix an issue where the client could not reconnect if the connection process was blocked in some cases. Now waiting for more than 15 seconds without a response will force the old connection process to be closed.
  • Fix the issue of query resource request timeout when rule engine resource is unavailable.
  • Fix the issue of {error, eexist} error when re-run after hot upgrade failed.
  • Fix an issue where publishing to a non-existing topic alias would crash the connection.
  • Fix 500 error when querying lwm2m client list on another node via HTTP API.
  • Fix HTTP API for subscribing topics crashes when invalid QoS are passed in.
  • Fix the issue that the connection count was not updated because the related resources were not released when the connection process accessed through the ExProto exited abnormally.
  • Fix an issue where the value of server_keepalive configuration item would be incorrectly applied to MQTT v3.1.1 clients.
  • Fix Stomp client not firing $event/client_connection event messages.
  • Fix the issue that the system memory alarm was incorrectly activated when EMQX was started.
  • Fixed an issue where messages that failed to be delivered due to unregistered topics were not retransmitted when topics were successfully registered with the MQTT-SN client.
  • Fix EMQX startup output error log when duplicate plugins are configured in loaded_plugins file.
  • Fix MongoDB related features outputting excessive error logs when configured incorrectly.
  • Add format check for Dashboard User and AppID, special characters such as / are not allowed.
  • Corrected the reason code in the DISCONNECT packet returned when kicking the client to 0x98.
  • Auto subscriptions will ignore empty topics.


Release Date: 2022-02-21

This patch release only includes a CI change for the Windows package.


Release Date: 2022-02-18


  • 4.4.0 is in sync with: 4.3.12.
  • The build of Windows package has some issues in the current version, we will fix it in the next version

The compare base of this change set is 4.3.12

Important changes

  • For Debian/Ubuntu users, Debian/Ubuntu package (deb) installed EMQX is now started from systemd. This is to use systemd's supervision functionality to ensure that EMQX service restarts after a crash. The package installation service upgrade from init.d to systemd has been verified, it is still recommended that you verify and confirm again before deploying to the production environment, at least to ensure that systemd is available in your system

  • Package name scheme changed comparing to 4.3. 4.3 format: 4.4 format:

    • Erlang/OTP version is included in the package name, providing the possibility to release EMQX on multiple Erlang/OTP versions
    • centos is renamed to el. This is mainly due to centos8 being dead (replaced with rockylinux8)
  • MongoDB authentication supports DNS SRV and TXT Records resolution, which can seamlessly connect with MongoDB Altas

  • Support dynamic modification of MQTT Keep Alive to adapt to different energy consumption strategies.

  • Support 4.3 to 4.4 rolling upgrade of clustered nodes. See upgrade document for more dtails.

  • TLS for cluster backplane (RPC) connections. See clustering document for more details.

  • Add new feature for slow subscription to count the time spent in the process of message transmission, and record and display the time-consuming clients and topics.

  • Add new feature for online log tracing to support real-time tracing of client events and viewing on the dashboard.

Minor changes

  • Bumped default boot wait time from 15 seconds to 150 seconds because in some simulated environments it may take up to 70 seconds to boot in build CI

  • Dashboard supports relative paths and custom access paths

  • Supports configuring whether to forward retained messages with empty payload to suit users who are still using MQTT v3.1. The relevant configurable item is retainer.stop_publish_clear_msg

  • Multi-language hook extension (ExHook) supports dynamic cancellation of subsequent forwarding of client messages

  • Rule engine SQL supports the use of single quotes in FROM clauses, for example: SELECT * FROM 't/#'

  • Change the default value of the max_topic_levels configurable item to 128. Previously, it had no limit (configured to 0), which may be a potential DoS threat

  • Improve the error log content when the Proxy Protocol message is received without proxy_protocol configured.

  • Add additional message attributes to the message reported by the gateway. Messages from gateways such as CoAP, LwM2M, Stomp, ExProto, etc., when converted to EMQX messages, add fields such as protocol name, protocol version, user name, client IP, etc., which can be used for multi-language hook extension (ExHook)

  • HTTP client performance improvement

  • Add openssl-1.1 to RPM dependency


Release Date: 2022-11-26


  • Make sure listener's tls_versions config value is one or more of tlsv1, tlsv1.1, tlsv1.2, tlsv1.3 #9260.

  • Remove useless information from the dashboard listener failure log #9260.

  • We now trigger the 'message.acked' hook after the CoAP gateway sends a message to the device and receives the ACK from the device #9264. With this change, the CoAP gateway can be combined with the offline message caching function (in the emqx enterprise), so that CoAP devices are able to read the missed messages from the database when it is online again.

  • Support to use placeholders like ${var} in the HTTP Headers of rule-engine's Webhook actions #9239.

  • Asynchronously refresh the resources and rules during emqx boot-up #9199. This is to avoid slowing down the boot if some resources spend long time establishing the connection.

  • Add a warning log if the ACL check failed for subscription #9124. This is to make the ACL deny logging for subscription behave the same as for publish.

  • JWT ACL claim supports all action to imply the rules applie to both pub and sub #9044.

  • Added a log censor to avoid logging sensitive data #9189. If the data to be logged is a map or key-value list which contains sensitive key words such as password, the value is obfuscated as ******.

  • Enhanced log security in ACL modules, sensitive data will be obscured #9242.

  • Add management.bootstrap_apps_file configuration to bulk import default app/secret when EMQX initializes the database #9273.

  • Added two new configs for deterministic order of authentication and ACL checks #9283. The two new global config names are auth_order and acl_order. When multiple ACL or auth plugins (or modules) are enabled, without this config, the order (in which each backend is queried) is determined by the start/restart order of the plugin (or module). Meaning, if a plugin (or module) is restarted after initial boot, it may get ordered to the end of the list. With this config, you may set the order with a comma-speapated ACL or auth plugin names (or aliases). For example: acl_order = jwt,http, this will make sure jwt is always checked before http, meaning if JWT is not found (or no acl cliam) for a client, then the ACL check will fallback to use the HTTP backend.

  • Added configurations to enable more client.disconnected events (and counter bumps) #9267. Prior to this change, the client.disconnected event (and counter bump) is triggered when a client performs a 'normal' disconnect, or is 'kicked' by system admin, but NOT triggered when a stale connection had to be 'discarded' (for clean session) or 'takeovered' (for non-clean session) by new connection. Now it is possible to set configs broker.client_disconnect_discarded and broker.client_disconnect_takeovered to on to enable the event in these scenarios.

  • For Rule-Engine resource creation failure, delay before the first retry #9313. Prior to this change, the retry delay was added after the retry failure.

Bug fixes

  • Fix that after uploading a backup file with an non-ASCII filename, HTTP API GET /data/export fails with status code 500 #9224.

  • Improve the display of rule's 'Maximum Speed' counter to only reserve 2 decimal places #9185. This is to avoid displaying floats like 0.30000000000000004 on the dashboard.

  • Fix the issue that emqx prints too many error logs when connecting to mongodb but auth failed #9184.

  • Fix that after receiving publish in idle mode the emqx-sn gateway may panic #9024.

  • "Pause due to rate limit" log level demoted from warning to notice #9134.

  • Restore old emqx_auth_jwt module API, so the hook callback functions registered in older version will not be invalidated after hot-upgrade #9144.

  • Fixed the response status code for the /status endpoint #9210. Before the fix, it always returned 200 even if the EMQX application was not running. Now it returns 503 in that case.

  • Fix message delivery related event encoding #9226 For rule-engine's input events like $events/message_delivered, and $events/message_dropped, if the message was delivered to a shared-subscription, the encoding (to JSON) of the event will fail. Affected versions: v4.3.21, v4.4.10, e4.3.16 and e4.4.10.

  • Make sure Rule-Engine API supports Percent-encoding rule_id and resource_id in HTTP request path #9190. Note that the id in POST /api/v4/rules should be literals (not encoded) when creating a rule or resource. See docs Create Rule Create Resource.

  • Calling 'DELETE /alarms/deactivated' now deletes deactived alarms on all nodes, including remote nodes, not just the local node #9280.

  • When republishing messages or bridge messages to other brokers, check the validity of the topic and make sure it does not have topic wildcards #9291.

  • Disable authorization for api/v4/emqx_prometheus endpoint on management api listener (default 8081) #9294.


Release Date: 2022-09-14


  • TLS listener memory usage optimization #9005. New config listener.ssl.$NAME.hibernate_after to hibernate TLS connection process after idling. Hibernation can reduce RAM usage significantly, but may cost more CPU. This configuration is by default disabled. Our preliminary test shows a 50% of RAM usage decline when configured to '5s'.

  • TLS listener default buffer size to 4KB #9007 Eliminate uncertainty that the buffer size is set by OS default.

  • Disable authorization for api/v4/emqx_prometheus endpoint #8955.

  • Added a test to prevent a last will testament message to be published when a client is denied connection #8894.

  • More rigorous checking of flapping to improve stability of the system #9045.

  • QoS1 and QoS2 messages in session's buffer are re-dispatched to other members in the group when the session terminates #9094. Prior to this enhancement, one would have to set broker.shared_dispatch_ack_enabled to true to prevent sessions from buffering messages, however this acknowledgement costs extra resources.

  • Fix delayed publish timing inaccuracy caused by OS time change #8908.

Bug fixes

  • Fix HTTP client library to handle SSL socket passive signal #9145.

  • Hide redis password in error logs #9071 In this change, it also included more changes in redis client:

    • Improve redis connection error logging eredis#19. Also added support for eredis to accept an anonymous function as password instead of passing around plaintext args which may get dumpped to crash logs (hard to predict where). This change also added format_status callback for gen_server states which hold plaintext password so the process termination log and sys:get_status will print '******' instead of the password to console.
    • Avoid pool name clashing eredis_cluster#22. Same format_status callback is added here too for gen_servers which hold password in their state.
  • Fix shared subscription message re-dispatches #9094.

    • When discarding QoS 2 inflight messages, there were excessive logs
    • For wildcard deliveries, the re-dispatch used the wrong topic (the publishing topic, but not the subscribing topic), caused messages to be lost when dispatching.
  • Fix shared subscription group member unsubscribe issue when 'sticky' strategy is used. Prior to this fix, if a previously picked member unsubscribes from the group (without reconnect) the message is still dispatched to it. This issue only occurs when unsubscribe with the session kept. Fixed in #9119

  • Fix shared subscription 'sticky' strategy when there is no local subscriptions at all. Prior to this change, it may take a few rounds to randomly pick group members until a local subscriber is hit (and then start sticking to it). After this fix, it will start sticking to whichever randomly picked member even when it is a subscriber from another node in the cluster. Fixed in #9122

  • Fix rule engine fallback actions metrics reset #9125.


Release Date: 2022-09-17


  • The exp, nbf and iat claims in JWT authentication support non-integer timestamps

Bug fixes

  • Fix rule engine update behaviour which may initialize actions for disabled rules
  • Fix the issue that the IP address bound to the Dashboard listener did not take effect
  • Fix the issue that shared subscriptions might get stuck in an infinite loop when shared_dispatch_ack_enabled is set to true
  • Fix the issue that the rule engine SQL crashes when subject matching null values


Release Date: 2022-08-29


  • Improve the log when LwM2M packet parsing fails
  • Improve the rule engine error log, the log will contain the rule ID when the action execution fails
  • Improve log when loaded_modules and loaded_plugins files do not exist
  • Add a guide for changing the default password on Dashboard

Bug fixes

  • Fix client.disconnected event not trigger in some cases
  • Fix the issue that the built-in database authentication did not distinguish the pagination statistics of the authentication data of the client ID and username
  • Fix Redis driver process leak problem
  • Fix rule engine MQTT bridge to AWS IOT connection timeout issue
  • Fix GET /listener request crashing when listener is not ready
  • Fix the issue that the comparison between any variable and null value in the rule engine SQL always returns false after v4.3.12
  • Fix incorrectly managing emqx_modules applications as plugins
  • Fix the issue that when the execution priority of ExHook is higher than that of the rule engine, the topic filtered by the ExHook Message Hook will not trigger the rule engine
  • Fix the issue that the ExHook management process was forcibly killed due to the supervisor shutdown timeout
  • Fix the issue that the Client ID parameter in ExProto client.connect hook is not defined
  • Fix ExProto not triggering disconnect event when client is kicked


Release Date: 2022-08-11

Important Changes

  • Upgraded the OTP version used to solve the low probability of random process unresponsiveness caused by OTP bugs. Users who are still using 4.3 are recommended to upgrade to this version
  • From the next release, we will stop supporting macOS 10 and provide an installation package for macOS 11


  • Allows the connection process to be configured to be garbage collected after the TLS handshake is complete to reduce memory footprint, which can reduce memory consumption by about 35% per SSL connection, but increases CPU consumption accordingly
  • Allows configuring the log level of the TLS handshake log to view the detailed handshake process


Release Date: 2022-07-29


  • Supports searching and paging of rules in rule engine
  • Provides CLI ./bin/emqx check_conf to actively check if the configuration is correct
  • Optimizing Shared Subscription Performance

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that once the old version of EMQX is uninstalled after hot upgrade, EMQX will not be able to start again
  • Fix the issue that the keep-alive check for UDP clients in the Multilingual Protocol Extension was incorrect, causing clients not to expire
  • Fix the issue that the client information in the Multilingual Protocol Extension was not updated in time
  • Fix the issue that when the client specified Clean Session as false to reconnect, the shared subscription message in the flight window would be re-dispatched to the old session process
  • Fix the issue that the emqx_lua_hook plugin cannot cancel the message publishing


Release Date: 2022-06-30


  • QoS and Retain flag in rule engine's message republish actions can now use placeholders
  • Supports exclusive subscriptions, that is, only one subscriber is allowed for a topic
  • Dashboard and management API's HTTPS listeners can now use password-protected private key files, providing key_password configuration item
  • Support for placeholders %u and %c in topic rewrite rules
  • Support setting MQTT 5.0 properties in the API request for message publishing, such as message expiry interval, response topic, etc.
  • Optimize the UI when creating rule engine resources, such as folding some uncommon options, etc.
  • Opened 4 TCP-related configuration items: KeepAlive, TCP_NODELAY, SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF for the underlying gRPC connection of ExHook

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue of inaccurate memory calculation in Linux OS, and calculate the memory usage of the current OS instead of the memory usage of EMQX
  • Fix the issue that the old disconnect event of ExHook would be triggered later than the new connect event when the client reconnects
  • Fix the issue that the execution order of topic rewriting and delayed publish is not fixed, now it is fixed to execute topic rewriting first
  • Fix the issue that rule engine could not encode MQTT 5.0 user properties
  • Fix the issue that the count of connack.auth_error is inaccurate when the client uses a protocol version below MQTT v5.0 to access
  • Fix the issue that the UDP listeners of LwM2M and CoAP gateways could not bind to the specified network interface
  • Fix Dashboard not starting after removing the default Dashboard user in the configuration file
  • Fix client.subscribe hook not being able to reject subscriptions
  • If the placeholder in the ACL rule is not replaced, the client's publish or subscribe operation will be rejected


Release Date: 2022-06-01


  • Add more time transformation functions to the SQL of rule engine
  • Add the float2str/2 function to the SQL of rule engine to support specifying the output precision of floating point numbers
  • Support for using JWT for authorization, now MQTT clients can authorize using specific claims that include a pub-sub whitelist
  • Improved authentication related metrics to make it easier to understand, now client.authenticate = client.auth.success + client.auth.failure
  • Support binding the listener of the REST API to a specified network interface
  • Support multi-condition query and fuzzy query for user data in authentication and authorization using built-in database as data source
  • Supports querying clients using the length of the message queue and the number of dropped messages as conditions
  • Support to configure the log time format to be compatible with the time format in older versions
  • When use_username_as_clientid is configured to true and the client connects without specifying a username, the connection is now rejected with a reason code 0x85
  • Full randomisation of app secrets (previously partially randomised)
  • Hot upgrades between incompatible versions will now be rejected
  • Allow white spaces in EMQX's installation path
  • Boot script fail fast on invalid node name (improve error message readability)

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that rule engine's SQL function hexstr_to_bin/1 could not handle half-byte
  • Fix the issue that the alarm was not cleared when the rule engine resource was deleted
  • Fix Dashboard HTTPS listener's verify option not taking effect
  • Fix the issue that messages were lost when the peer session was terminated during the delivery of QoS 1 messages through shared subscriptions
  • Fix the issue that when the log tracer encounters large packets, the heap size grows too fast and triggers the policy of forcibly closeing the connection process
  • Fix the issue that the MQTT-SN client would be disconnected when retransmitting QoS 2 messages
  • Fix the issue that the returned results did not match the query conditions when querying subscriptions with multiple conditions
  • Fix rule engine resource connection test not working
  • Fix multiple Dashboard display issues


Release Date: 2022-04-18


  • Rule engine supports copying rule for fast reuse
  • SQL in rule engine supports zip, gzip and other compression and decompression functions
  • Improve the error message when rule engine fails to parse payload
  • Improve the connection test for some resources in rule engine
  • Support setting execution priority for ExHook
  • ExHook callback interface adds a Protobuf field RequestMeta meta to return the EMQX cluster name
  • Support local policy for shared subscriptions, which will preferentially send messages to shared subscribers under the node where messages flow in. In some scenarios, the efficiency of shared message scheduling will be improved, especially when the MQTT bridge is configured as a shared subscription
  • RSA-PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384, RSA-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384, RSA-PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256 and RSA-PSK-AES128-CBC- SHA256 four new TLS PSK cipher suites are supported, removing two insecure cipher suites PSK-3DES-EDE-CBC-SHA and PSK-RC4-SHA from the default configuration
  • Diagnostic logging for wait_for_table of mnesia
    • Prints check points of mnesia internal stats
    • Prints check points of per table loading stats, help to locate the problem of long table loading time.
  • Subscribing to an empty topic is prohibited in strict mode
  • Generate default files when loaded_modules and loaded_plugins files do not exist

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that the TLS configuration item server_name_indication is set to disable and does not take effect
  • Fix potential process leak issue in MongoDB driver
  • Fix the issue that the password of the default Dashboard user modified via the CLI command would be reset after the node leaves the cluster
  • Silence grep and sed warnings in
  • Fix the backup file cannot be deleted and downloaded when the API path contains ISO8859-1 escape characters
  • Fix the issue that the Redis driver would crash when DNS resolution failed, etc
  • Fix the issue that the headers field configuration in the Data to Web Server action of the rule engine did not take effect
  • Fix the issue that the MQTT Bridge plugin cannot be started when only the subscription topic is configured but QoS is not configured
  • When creating a rule, if a rule with the same ID already exists, the rules engine will now report an error instead of replacing the existing rule
  • Fix the issue that the HTTP driver process pool may not be deleted


Release Date: 2022-04-01

Important changes

  • For Docker images, the configuration directory /opt/emqx/etc has been removed from the VOLUME list, making it easier for users to rebuild images with changed configurations.
  • CentOS 7 Erlang runtime rebuilt on OpenSSL-1.1.1n (previously 1.0), prior to v4.3.13, EMQX will fail to handshake and trigger malformed_handshake_data exception when clients use certain cipher suites.
  • CentOS 8 Erlang runtime system rebuilt on RockyLinux 8. centos8 will remain in the package name for backward compatibility.


  • Add command line interface emqx_ctl pem_cache clean to allow forcibly clear x509 certificate cache to reload immediately after certificate file update.
  • Refactored ExProto so that anonymous clients can also be displayed on Dashboard.
  • Topic configuration items in bridges can now use ${node} placeholders.
  • Add validation of UTF-8 strings in MQTT packets in strict mode. When set to true, invalid UTF-8 strings will cause the client to disconnect.
  • MQTT-SN gateway supports initiative to synchronize registered topics after session resumed.
  • Improve the writing precision of rule engine floating point data from 10 decimal places to 17 decimal places.
  • EMQX will prompt how to modify the initial password of Dashboard at startup.

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that the el8 installation package cannot be started on Amazon Linux 2022, the error content is errno=13 Permission denied.
  • Fix an issue where the client could not reconnect if the connection process was blocked in some cases. Now waiting for more than 15 seconds without a response will force the old connection process to be closed.
  • Fix the issue of query resource request timeout when rule engine resource is unavailable.
  • Fix the issue of {error, eexist} error when re-run after hot upgrade failed.
  • Fix an issue where publishing to a non-existing topic alias would crash the connection.
  • Fix 500 error when querying lwm2m client list on another node via HTTP API.
  • Fix HTTP API for subscribing topics crashes when invalid QoS are passed in.
  • Fix the issue that the connection count was not updated because the related resources were not released when the connection process accessed through the ExProto exited abnormally.
  • Fix an issue where the value of server_keepalive configuration item would be incorrectly applied to MQTT v3.1.1 clients.
  • Fix Stomp client not firing $event/client_connection event messages.
  • Fix the issue that the system memory alarm was incorrectly activated when EMQX was started.
  • Fixed an issue where messages that failed to be delivered due to unregistered topics were not retransmitted when topics were successfully registered with the MQTT-SN client.
  • Fix EMQX startup output error log when duplicate plugins are configured in loaded_plugins file.
  • Fix MongoDB related features outputting excessive error logs when configured incorrectly.
  • Add format check for Dashboard User and AppID, special characters such as / are not allowed.
  • Corrected the reason code in the DISCONNECT packet returned when kicking the client to 0x98.
  • Auto subscriptions will ignore empty topics.


Release Date: 2022-02-11


  • Rule engine supports the configuration of rules and actions for the event of abnormal loss of client messages to enhance the user's custom processing capabilities in this scenario
  • Improve the relevant metrics during the execution of the rule engine SQL matching
  • Fuzzy search on client supports special characters such as *, (, )
  • Improve ACL-related metrics to solve the issue that the count does not increase due to hitting the ACL cache
  • Added connected_at field to webhook event notifications
  • Log client state before terminating client due to holding the lock too long

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue that the metrics interface does not return authentication metrics such as client.acl.deny by default
  • Fixed the issue that the subscription query interface did not return paginated data
  • Fix the issue of parsing failure when STOMP handles TCP sticky packets
  • Fix the issue where the session creation time option was not available when filtering clients
  • Fix the issue where memory alarms might not be triggered after restarting
  • Fix the crash of import data when user data exists in emqx_auth_mnesia plugin


Release Date: 2021-12-17

EMQX 4.3.11 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


  • Support the configuration of whether to continue to deliver empty retained messages to suit users who are still using the MQTT v3.1 protocol

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue of incorrect calculation of memory usage
  • Fix the issue that the Path option of Webhook Action in rule engine doesn't support the use of ${Variable}
  • Fix the issue that the connection failure log will continue to be printed when stopping MQTT Bridge plugin in some cases


Release Date: 2021-11-11

EMQX 4.3.10 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:

Bug fixes (Important):

  • Fix STOMP gateway live-upgrade failure

    Github PR: emqx#6110

  • Fix the issue that emqx cannot start after updating the listener configuration through Dashboard

    Github PR: emqx#6121


  • Introduced pushback for MQTT clients

    Github PR: emqx#6065


Release Date: 2021-11-04

EMQX 4.3.9 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:

Bug fixes (Important):

  • Fix the issue that calls between clusters may cause the client process to lose response

    Github PR: emqx#6062

  • WebHook's HTTP client SSL configuration parse

    Github PR: emqx#5696

  • MongoDB resources allow host names

    Github PR: emqx#6035

  • Performance improvement for built-in database ACL (emqx_auth_mnesia)

    Github PR: emqx#5885

  • Fix the issue that the authentication based on the built-in database incorrectly transcodes the HTTP request parameters

    Github PR: emqx#5674

  • Fix the issue that resources cannot be released after the rule engine disables the rules in cluster

    Github PR: emqx#5731

  • Fix some issues of STOMP gateway

    Github PR: emqx#6040

Bug fixes (Minor):

  • Fixed the issue that the Client ID containing "" characters could not be searched in a fuzzy manner

    Github PR: emqx#5978

  • Fix the issue that variable byte integers may be larger than 4 bytes

    Github PR: emqx#5826


  • Improve client kick (forced step-down)

    Github PR: emqx#6030

  • Add support for new cipher suites for LwM2M gateway

    Github PR: emqx#5970

  • Introduced interleaving for priority queues (to avoid low priority queue stavation)

    Github PR: emqx#5666

  • HTTP authentication plugin disable superuser requests by default

    Github PR: emqx#5567


Release Date: 2021-08-10

EMQX 4.3.8 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the rule engine rule import fails

    Github PR: emqx#5512

  • Fix the Path field in the Webhook action of rule engine cannot be used

    Github PR: emqx#5468

  • Fix the issue that the Force Shutdown mechanism cannot take effect when the process is suspended

    Github PR: emqx#5460

  • Fix the issue that the k8s deployment EMQX cluster cannot be restarted correctly in some cases

    Github PR: emqx#5646, emqx#5428

  • Fix exproto cross-node process call error

    Github PR: emqx#5436


  • Add automatic reconnection mechanism and related configuration items for request timeout for exhook to enhance reliability

    Github PR: emqx#5447

  • Add disconnect retry mechanism for exproto

    Github PR: emqx#5436

Note: Starting from this version, CentoOS 7 requires the use of openssl 1.1.1. For the installation method of openssl upgrade, please refer to: FAQ - Incorrect OpenSSL Vesion


Release Date: 2021-08-09

EMQX 4.3.7 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the current HTTP KeepAlive behavior may cause some servers to disconnect

    Github PR: emqx#5395

  • Fix the issue that the command line interface cannot print certain characters

    Github PR: emqx#5411

  • Fix the issue of coding error when LwM2M gateway sends integer numbers

    Github PR: emqx#5425


Release Date: 2021-07-28

EMQX 4.3.6 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


  • Support disable HTTP Pipelining

    Github PR: emqx#5279

  • ACL supports IP address list

    Github PR: emqx#5328


Release Date: 2021-06-28

EMQX 4.3.5 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that messages may be lost after canceling the subscription when multiple shared subscriptions are established by the same client

    Github PR: emqx#5098


Release Date: 2021-06-23

EMQX 4.3.4 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:

Bug fixes:

  • CoAP gateway cannot resolve certain URIs

    Github Issue: emqx#5062 Github PR: emqx#5059

  • Multi-language extension hooks may fail to start

    Github PR: emqx#5004

  • When the rule engine deletes a resource, if there is a rule that depends on the resource, it will cause a crash

    Github PR: emqx#4996

  • HTTP authentication and Webhook do not support Query String

    Github PR: emqx#4981

  • Ensure the forwarding order of messages between nodes in the default configuration

    Github PR: emqx#4979


Release Date: 2021-06-05

EMQX 4.3.3 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:



  • Data dump support to get imported data from HTTP request

    Github PR: emqx#4900

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the crash caused by not configuring the JWKS endpoint

    Github PR: emqx#4916

  • Fix MQTT-SN subscription in cluster environment

    Github PR: emqx#4915

  • Fix Webhook cannot use TLS

    Github PR: emqx#4908

  • Fix the issue that the parameter error in the client's multi-condition query may cause a crash

    Github PR: emqx#4916

  • Fix incorrect calculation of memory usage

    Github PR: emqx#4891


Release Date: 2021-05-27

EMQX 4.3.2 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Topic metrics monitoring cannot be used in the cluster environment

    Github PR: emqx#4870

  • Fix some errors in message parsing

    Github PR: emqx#4858

  • Fix the conflict between MQTT-SN sleep mode and KeepAlive mechanism

    Github PR: emqx#4842

  • Broker may crash when a large number of clients are offline

    Github Issue: emqx#4823 Github PR: emqx#4824

  • Mark the resource as unavailable when the rule engine fails to refresh the resource

    Github PR: emqx#4821


Release Date: 2021-05-14

EMQX 4.3.1 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • CPU consumption increases exponentially with the number of topic levels after route compression

    Github PR: emqx#4800

  • Fix poor large frame concatenation performance

    Github Issue: emqx#4787 Github PR: emqx#4802

  • Newly added shared subscription strategy is unavailable

    Github Issue: emqx#4808 Github PR: emqx#4809

  • Fixed the incorrect implementation of metrics/stats for retained messages and messages of delayed publish

    Github PR: emqx#4778, emqx#4778

  • Ensure line breaks between json logs

    Github PR: emqx#4778


Release Date: 2021-05-06

Features and Enhancement


  • Support Erlang/OTP 23
  • The new installation package only supports macOS 10.14 and above
  • Project adjusted to umbrella structure
  • Support using Elixir to build plugins

Performance improvement

  • The underlying implementation of the multi-language extension function is changed from erlport to gRPC
  • Support routing table compression, reduce memory usage, enhance subscription performance, publishing performance will be slightly affected, so disable option is provided
  • Improve wildcard subscription performance
  • Improve processing performance when a large number of clients are offline


  • Protect EMQX Broker from cross-site WebSocket hijacking attacks
  • SSL supports verify and server_name_indication configuration
  • Support the configuration of the maximum length of the certificate chain and the password of the private key file
  • Use TLS v1.3 by default, TLS v1.3 configs has no effect if started on OTP 22
  • JWT authentication supports JWKS


  • Added update resource functionality for rule engine
  • Rule engine SQL function supports conversion between unix timestamp and rfc3339 format time
  • Keep retrying the resources that failed to connect after the EMQX Broker is started
  • Websocket listener supports selecting supported subprotocols from the subprotocols list
  • WebSocket connection supports obtaining real IP and Port
  • Support the default authentication method caching_sha2_password of MySQL 8.0
  • The starting point is randomly selected when the shared subscription distribution strategy is configured as round_robin
  • Shared subscription supports hash distribution of messages by source topic
  • Support import and export of Authentication & ACL information in Mnesia
  • Allow to use base64 encoded client certificate or MD5 value of client certificate as username or Client ID
  • MQTT listener restart from API/CLI
  • API/CLI to force evict ACL cache
  • Added observer_cli
  • Support cluster metrics for Prometheus
  • Redis sentinel mode supports SSL connection
  • Support single-line log output, and support rfc3339 time format
  • emqx_auth_clientid and emqx_auth_username are merged to emqx_auth_mnesia. Please refer to doc to export data from older versions, and import to v4.3
  • By default, docker only logs to console, set EMQX_LOG__TO=file to switch to file
  • Support Json format log
  • Support IPv6 auto probe
  • Environment variable override configuration files can be used for all distributions (previously only for docker)
  • Certificate upload from dashboard has been made available for EMQX (previously only for EMQX Enterprise)

Bugs Fix

MQTT Protocol

  • Fix the processing of MQTT heartbeat packets
  • Fix MQTT packet receiving count issue
  • Limit the maximum effective size of the flight window to 65535
  • The value of the Keep Alive field in the Dashboard is not synchronized when Server Keep Alive was in effect


  • ACL configuration in CoAP connection does not take effect
  • CoAP clients using the same ClientID can access at the same time
  • The sleep mode of MQTT-SN is unavailable
  • The MQTT-SN gateway will discard DISCONNECT packets in sleep mode
  • The LwM2M gateway encodes and decodes numbers into unsigned integers


  • The MySQL authentication SSL/TLS connection function is not available
  • Fix Redis reconnection failure

Other Fixes

  • ekka_locker's memory may grow infinitely under extreme conditions
  • The max_inflight_size configuration item in the MQTT bridge function does not take effect
  • Fix the issue of inflight in MQTT bridge
  • Fixed the error of indicator statistics in the MQTT bridge function and the problem of multiple unit conversions in the retry_interval field
  • Incorrect calculation of alarm duration
  • The long Client ID cannot be tracked
  • The query client information may crash
  • The inconsistency between topic rewriting and ACL execution order when publishing and subscribing
  • The WebSocket connection cannot use the peer certificate as the username
  • The authentication data cannot be imported
  • EMQX may fail to start in Docker
  • Fixed delayed connection process OOM kill
  • The MQTT-SN connection with Clean Session being false did not publish a will message when it was disconnected abnormally


Release Date: 2021-08-02

EMQX 4.2.14 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue of unavailable hot upgrade


Release Date: 2021-06-28

EMQX 4.2.13 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that messages may be lost after canceling the subscription when multiple shared subscriptions are established by the same client

    GitHub PR: emqx#5104


Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2021-05-07

EMQX 4.2.12 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


** Bug Fix **:

Fixed a wait-for-table timeout bug which may lead to premature EMQX start up when there is a lot of Mnesia data to load.

GitHub PR: emqx#4724

** Performance Improvement **:

Optimisation for massive concurrent subscribe/unsubscribe requests handling

GitHub PR: emqx#4732 GitHub PR: emqx#4738


Release Date: 2021-04-16

EMQX 4.2.11 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the WebSocket connection cannot use the peer certificate as the username

    Github PR: emqx#4574


Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2021-04-12

EMQX 4.2.10 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2021-03-24

EMQX 4.2.9 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix MQTT packet receiving count issue

    Github PR: emqx#4425

  • Fix the processing of heartbeat packets

    Github Issue: emqx#4370 Github PR: emqx#4425


Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2021-03-10

EMQX 4.2.8 is released now, it fixes a bug in MQTT message parser.


Release Date: 2021-01-29

EMQX 4.2.7 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the HTTP long connection is disconnected when the Keepalive timeout period or the maximum number of requests is reached, causing the request to be lost

    Github PR: emqx-auth-http#245


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the HTTP long connection is disconnected when the Keepalive timeout period or the maximum number of requests is reached, causing the request to be lost

    Github PR: emqx-web-hook#272

  • Fix SSL certificate configuration issue

    Github PR: emqx-web-hook#264


Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2021-01-16

EMQX 4.2.6 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the wrong port used by remsh

    Github PR: emqx#4016



  • The host field in the HTTP request header uses the original URL configured by the user

    Github PR: emqx-auth-http#240

Bug fixes:



  • The host field in the HTTP request header uses the original URL configured by the user

    Github PR: emqx-web-hook#256

  • Use the default port when the port is not included in the URL

    Github PR: emqx-web-hook#253

Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:

  • Increase the duration field of the alarm, fix the issue that the front-end may cause calculation errors due to time inconsistency

    Github PR: emqx-management#304




Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue of gen_server:call/3 timeout causing the reply to be sent to the message queue of the calling process

    Github PR: ehttpc#2


Release Date: 2020-12-23

EMQX 4.2.5 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:



  • Update the underlying HTTP client driver to solve the issue of unresponsive connection process caused by driver stuck

    Github PR: emqx-web-hook#240


Release Date: 2020-12-11

EMQX 4.2.4 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


  • Support configuration of SSL/TLS certificate chain length and password of keyfile

    Github PR: emqx#3901


  • Update the underlying HTTP client driver to solve the issue of unresponsive connection process caused by driver stuck

    Github PR: emqx-auth-http#213



  • Fix the issue that the redis driver did not report an error when it failed to start in cluster mode

    Github PR: emqx-auth-redis#187


  • Supports pulling private image through secret for helm chart

    Github PR: emqx-rel#626

  • Improve security

    Github PR: emqx-rel#612


Release Date: 2020-11-13

EMQX 4.2.3 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:



  • Fix the issue of compilation failure when LC_ALL is not equal to en_US.UTF-8

    Github PR: emqx-rel#605 Github Issue: emqx-rel#604

  • Support creating and running other services before emqx container starts

    Github PR: emqx-rel#608

  • Allows to set a variable number of configuration items for the container

    Github PR: emqx-rel#609


  • Fix the issue that trying to publish a will message will cause a crash

    Github PR: emqx-sn#169

  • Fix the issue that setting an inappropriate value for the from field

    Github PR: emqx-sn#170





Release Date: 2020-10-24

EMQX 4.2.2 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue of inaccurate topic statistics rate calculation

    Github PR: emqx#3784




Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2020-09-29

EMQX 4.2.1 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the No Local logic is not handled correctly, which causes messages to accumulate in the flight window and message queue

    Github PR: emqx#3741 Github Issue: emqx#3738


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the rule engine MQTT subscription cannot receive messages

    Github PR: emqx-bridge-mqtt#108


Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that only the first match is processed when the ACL query statement has multiple matching results

    Github PR: emqx-auth-mongo#231


Release Date: 2020-09-05

EMQX 4.2.0 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


  • Support the use of third-party languages to write extension plugins to access other non-MQTT protocols, and currently supports Java and Python two programming languages. Visit Read Me for more information
  • Support hot upgrade between revisions
  • A new telemetry function is added to collect information about the usage of EMQX Broker to help us improve the product. This function is enabled by default and supports manual disabled. Visit EMQX Telemetry for more telemetry related information.
  • Support message flow control in the form of quotas


  • The rule engine supports the creation of subscriptions for MQTT bridges
  • The rule engine supports a more powerful SQL syntax
  • Plugins such as MySQL and PostgreSQL fully support IPv6, SSL/TLS
  • Support CentOS 8, Ubuntu 20.04 operating system and ARM64 system architecture
  • Webhook supports configuring custom HTTP headers
  • A more friendly alarm mechanism, providing developers with HTTP API
  • Optimize retained message performance


  • Subsequent versions will no longer support Debian 8, Ubuntu 14.04 and Raspbian 8 operating systems
  • The emqx-statsd plugin is officially renamed to emqx-prometheus
  • Publish and subscribe support independent configuration of topic rewrite rules
  • Allow users to configure whether to allow WebSocket messages to contain multiple MQTT messages to be compatible with some clients
  • Adjust RPC port discovery strategy
  • Incompatible changes: The API path provided by the emqx-auth-mnesia plugin has been adjusted to api/v4/mqtt_user and api/v4/mqtt_acl
  • The emqx-auth-http plugin disables super user authentication requests by default
  • emqx-bridge-mqtt disables bridge mode by default

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue of abnormal memory growth caused by the topic metrics feature
  • Fix the issue that the LwM2M plugin did not correctly obtain the protocol version
  • Fix the issue that the command line interface cannot be used when running multiple emqx instances on one machine
  • Fix the issue that Websocket connection does not support IPv6


Release Date: 2020-08-28

EMQX 4.1.4 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue of abnormal memory growth caused by the topic metrics feature

    Github PR: emqx#3680



  • The clientid configuration item supports ${node} placeholders to optimize the user experience under the cluster

    Github PR: emqx-bridge-mqtt#99


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the data migration function is not available under Windows

    Github PR: emqx-management#262


Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2020-08-04

EMQX 4.1.3 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the retained message will not be sent when the subscription topic contains both '+' and '#'

    Github PR: emqx/emqx-retainer#146


Release Date: 2020-07-23

EMQX 4.1.2 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the topic alias is not used to replace the topic

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3616

  • Fix the issue that some operations take up too much CPU

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3581


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the console no longer outputs the log after the log is filled with all log files when running emqx by docker

    Github PR: emqx/emqx-rel#559


Release Date: 2020-07-03

EMQX 4.1.1 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that there is no unload script and CLI when the plugin is unloaded

    Github PR: emqx/emqx-lua-hook#106


Release Date: 2020-06-04

EMQX 4.1.0 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


  • Support multi-language extension and provide SDK, supported languages: Python, Java
  • Support topic based metrics
  • Supports loading the latest configuration when the plugin starts
  • Support for topic aliases when messages are forwarded
  • Add subscription option configuration for proxy subscriptions
  • Support fuzzy query and multi condition query of client list
  • Support fuzzy query of subscription list
  • Support to add simple authentication information on Dashboard
  • Support data migration between versions
  • MQTT AUTH Packet is supported. At present, only SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication mechanism is supported and users can expand it by themselves
  • Support for obtaining network addresses and ports when using the proxy protocol
  • Add authentication plugin based on Mnesia database (completely replace emqx-auth-clientid and emqx-auth-username plugins in subsequent versions)
  • Support for editing rules in rule engine
  • Support comment configuration items when running EMQX through Docker
  • LwM2M gateway plugin supports IPv6 and listens to multiple ports at the same time
  • CoAP gateway plugin supports IPv6
  • JWT authentication plugin supports configuration of jwerl signature format

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that EMQX could not start when etc/emqx.conf was read-only
  • Fix the issue that the connection process crashes in some cases
  • Fix the issue that the browser doesn't support the current SSL/TLS certificates
  • Fix the issue that the MQTT bridge plugin doesn't send heartbeat packets by default
  • Fix the issue that the abnormal login detection function does not delete the expired data, resulting in memory growth
  • Fix the issue that the built-in ACL module did not clear the ACL cache when reloading
  • Fix the issue that client.disconnected event in WebHook plugin goes wrong in some cases
  • Fix the issue that MQTT-SN gateway plugin doesn't support specifying listening IP address and supports IPv6


Release Date: 2020-05-09

EMQX 4.0.7 is released now, which mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the browser doesn't support the current SSL / TLS certificates

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3448

  • Fix the issue of connection process crashing in some cases, which is the feedback from Github issue#3455

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3458


Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2020-04-22

EMQX 4.0.6 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that abnormal client detection did not delete expired data

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3407

  • Fix the issue that the Proxy Protocol function does not work when using WebSocket

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3372


Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2020-03-17

EMQX 4.0.5 is released now. This version mainly focuses on bug fixes.


Bug fixes:

emqx-rule-engine (plugin)

Bug fixes:

emqx-sn (plugin)

Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2019-03-06

EMQX 4.0.4 is released now. This version mainly focuses on bug fixes.


Bug fixes:

emqx-dashboard (plugin)

Bug fixes:

emqx-retainer (plugin)

Bug fixes:

  • The behavior after the maximum number of retained messages has been stored is corrected by the inability to store any retained messages to retained messages that can replace existing topics

    Github PR: emqx/emqx-retainer#136


Release Date: 2019-02-21

EMQX 4.0.3 is released now. This version mainly focuses on bug fixes.



  • Add an option to allow client bypass auth plugins

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3253

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue of printing unnecessary error logs under some competitive conditions

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3246

emqx-management (plugin)

Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2019-02-07

EMQX 4.0.2 is released now. This version mainly focuses on bug fixes and performance optimizes.



Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that DISCONNECT packet will not be sent in some cases

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3208

  • Fix the issue that the connection will be closed when broker received the same Packet ID

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3233

emqx-stomp (plugin)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the maximum number of connections doesn't take effect

    Github PR: emqx/emqx-stomp#93

emqx-auth-redis (plugin)

Bug fixes:

cowboy (dependency)

Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2019-01-17

EMQX 4.0.1 is released now. This version mainly focuses on bug fixes and performance optimizes.



Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the feature of ban is abnormal due to using the wrong unit

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3188

  • Fix the handling of Retain As Publish and keep the value of Retain in bridge mode

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3189

  • Fix the issue of unable to use multiple websocket listening ports

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3196

  • Fix the issue that EMQX may not send DISCONNECT packet when session is takeovered

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3208




Bug fixes:


Release Date: 2019-01-10

EMQX 4.0.0 is now released. In this version we significantly improved the throughput performance by refactoring the session and channel, improved the extensibility by adding more hooks and counters, redesigned rule engine SQL that filter messages/events mainly by topics, and also lots of improvements in edge.



  • Greatly improve message throughput performance, and reduce CPU and memory usage.
  • Optimize handling of MQTT 5.0 packets
  • Rule engine supports new SQL
  • Modify metrics naming and add more metrics
  • Modify parameters of hooks and add more hooks
  • emqtt provides command line interfaces to publish and subscribe

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that failure of SSL handshake could cause crash
  • Fix the issue that max_subscriptions don't working
  • Fix message out-of-order issues when forwarding across clusters
  • Fix the issue that REST API and CLI cannot get multiple routes for a topic



  • Support IPv6
  • The default listening port for the HTTP API server is changed from 8080 to 8081
  • Remove all REST API related with sessions
  • connections APIs change to clients APIs,the new APIs support features in sessions
  • Support return the real topic of shared subscription in querying subscriptions API
  • Support to configure the default AppID and AppSecret
  • The HTTP API for publishing message now supports base64 encoded payload

Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that encoded URI isn't handled correctly



  • HTTP authentication plugin supports users to defining HTTP request headers in profile
  • Clientid and username authentication plugin Resupport to configure the default clientid and username in profile